At Canoe Brook Pediatric Dentistry, we are excited to offer state-of-the-art dental care using digital scanning technology. This modern approach to dentistry is transforming how we care for your child’s oral health, providing a more comfortable, efficient and accurate dental experience.

Understanding Digital Scanning

A digital scanner is a cutting-edge tool that captures detailed, 3D images of a patient’s mouth. Unlike traditional impression methods, which can be uncomfortable and messy, digital scanning is a quick, clean and highly accurate process. Our pediatric dentist and team use digital scanning for various purposes, including monitoring tooth alignment, planning treatments and creating precise models for dental appliances.

The Digital Scanning Experience

During a digital scan, your child will simply relax while our dental professional moves a small, handheld scanner around their mouth. The scanner takes a series of high-resolution images, which are then pieced together to form a complete, 3D model of your child’s oral cavity. The process is quick, typically taking only a few minutes, and is entirely noninvasive and pain-free.

Benefits of Digital Scanning

  • Comfort: No more messy putty or discomfort from traditional impressions.
  • Speed: Quick and efficient process, saving time during appointments.
  • Accuracy: Highly detailed images for more precise and effective treatments.
  • Kid-Friendly: Non-intrusive and engaging for children, reducing anxiety.
  • Educational: Allows us to show clear images to kids and parents, making oral health more understandable.

Ready to Experience Advanced Dental Care?

Discover the difference that digital scanning can make for your child’s dental care in Livingston, New Jersey. Contact us at 973-577-7716 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Meeta Grewal. At our office, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care with the latest advancements in dental technology.

We are dedicated to your child's oral health and smile. Give us a call today to make your appointment!


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