At Canoe Brook Pediatric Dentistry, we understand the importance of every step in your child’s dental development. That is why we offer space maintainers, a crucial treatment to ensure the proper growth and alignment of their permanent teeth.

Why Choose Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are used when a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, whether due to injury, decay or other reasons. This early loss can lead to space loss, as adjacent teeth may shift into the gap, causing alignment issues for emerging permanent teeth. Space maintainers are designed to hold the space open, allowing the permanent tooth to emerge in its correct position.

The Process of Fitting Space Maintainers

Fitting a space maintainer is a straightforward and painless procedure. Our dental team will take an impression of your child’s mouth to create a custom-fit device. Once ready, the space maintainer is placed in your child’s mouth, ensuring a comfortable and effective fit. Regular checkups are essential to monitor the progress and make adjustments as needed.

Benefits of Space Maintainers

  • Prevents Misalignment: Keeps neighboring teeth stable, ensuring proper spacing for permanent teeth.
  • Custom-Fit for Comfort: Each device is tailored to fit your child’s mouth comfortably.
  • Supports Oral Health: Helps in maintaining overall oral health and proper dental development.
  • Noninvasive Treatment: A simple, noninvasive approach to managing space in your child’s mouth.

Secure Your Child’s Dental Future

To find out if your child could benefit from space maintainers in Livingston, New Jersey, or to learn more about this treatment, contact us at 973-577-7716 for an appointment with Dr. Meeta Grewal. Our pediatric dentist and team is dedicated to guiding your child towards a future of healthy, well-aligned teeth.

We are dedicated to your child's oral health and smile. Give us a call today to make your appointment!


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