At Canoe Brook Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that maintaining the health and appearance of your child’s teeth is vital. That is why we offer pediatric dental crowns, an effective solution for restoring and protecting your child’s teeth from further damage.

Why Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom-made caps placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. They are particularly useful in pediatric dentistry for teeth that have been weakened by cavities or injuries. Crowns restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance, and are crucial in preserving the tooth until it is naturally replaced by a permanent tooth.

The Process of Fitting Dental Crowns

Fitting a dental crown is a straightforward procedure at our practice. Our experienced dental team will prepare your child’s affected tooth, ensuring it is shaped correctly for the crown. We then take an impression to create a crown that perfectly fits your child’s tooth. The final step is placing the crown over the tooth, where it is securely bonded.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Strengthens Weak Teeth: Provides support and strength to damaged teeth.
  • Restores Functionality: Allows for normal chewing and speaking.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: Designed to look like a natural tooth.
  • Long-Lasting Protection: Durable enough to withstand your child’s daily activities.

Protect Your Child’s Oral Health

If you believe your child could benefit from a dental crown in Livingston, New Jersey, or to learn more about this option, please contact us at 973-577-7716 for an appointment with Dr. Meeta Grewal. Our pediatric dentist and team are dedicated to ensuring your child’s teeth remain healthy and beautiful.

We are dedicated to your child's oral health and smile. Give us a call today to make your appointment!


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